18 Mar
Posted by Lark Tattoo, no comments
Mar 15, 2016 — The new bill has been signed into law by Governor Cuomo! The problem with the “Single-use Ink” have been officially resolved! In an unprecedented amount of time at that! This just proves that we can come together as a craft and make changes!
READ IT HERE: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2015/a8671a
I would like to thank everyone who signed and shared the petition, got involved, and the numerous tattoo artists who took the time to meet with their local lawmakers and/or news media, even invite them into their shops to show them that laws like this are unnecessary and overcomplicating. I would also like to thank Senator Carlucci, Assemblyman Zebrowski, and Senator Boyle for listening to so many of us, and quickly resolving the issue. The only reason this was so successful is because we were able to come together as a trade and show lawmakers we are already self-regulating to keep our clients safe and healthy.
A LOT OF CHANGES WILL BE COMING TO NY! Licensing was passed years ago, and amendments like these are being added before it is an official requirement.
We have to PAY ATTENTION so this doesn’t happen again!
There is a new proposed bill in the works regarding restricting the sale of tattoo supplies to unlicensed persons. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2015/a6674a
Another proposed bill regarding licensing and penalties for unlicensed tattooing
These are the sort of issues that were brought up to lawmakers by many artists in response to the ink issue. Contact your local lawmakers and show your support, they are listening!
In the future, check out www.nysenate.gov and type in “tattoo” into the search to find bills that are being proposed.
Thank you everyone for your support, we can call this a major victory for NYS tattooing!
Bridget Punsalang