7 Jul
Posted by Lark Tattoo, no comments
Dear Friends,
The digital age is a difficult one. With communication, media, technology and information at our fingertips in an instant, it is nearly impossible to keep up. As a society we have taken to a “react now, think later” course of action that often does not allow us to differentiate fact from assumption. That seems to be the overall theme of the last 48 hours and we would like to take a moment to address it.
Late Wednesday night it was brought to our attention that an article had been published by an anonymous author which accused current and former artists and one current receptionist employed by Lark Street Tattoo of belonging to a specific organization. Prior to this, the management and ownership of Lark Street Tattoo had no knowledge of any association by any of our employees to any such organization; if we had known about it, we would not be writing this letter today.
Lark Street Tattoo as a business took these allegations very seriously and, as a business, wanted to make sure to do a thorough investigation of these claims before taking action. We are a country that has laws to protect everyone. In order to avoid future liability issues that could come from the same mistakes that we have seen other businesses make in similar situations we decided to take a step back, analyze the situation, and come together as a business to take the appropriate course of action. A decision was made by all parties involved that was in the best interest for the safety, integrity and continued success of our business.
As of today, none of the individuals named in that article are employed by Lark Street Tattoo.
There is no place for hate at Lark Street Tattoo. We would not knowingly harbor any individuals aligned with hate groups. Our business is located at the very heartbeat of the most vibrant, beautiful and diverse communities in Upstate New York and we would never do anything to cause anyone to question our dedication to the very ideals that this community was founded upon. The individuals upon which allegations were made do not represent what Lark Street Tattoo or its ownership stand for and we cannot stress that enough.
With that said- the safety and success of our current artists and staff members is paramount to our business. We urge you not to punish them for the wrongdoings of those no longer associated with our business. Our artists are here for a reason: They are talented individuals with a passion for art and creativity that is the driving force of this vibrant community. They do not deserve to be chastised for something in which they are not involved.
If you or anyone you know has ever experienced an instance of discrimination in our shop we implore you to reach out. Again, there is no place for hate at Lark Street Tattoo, and we denounce any involvement in any such reprehensible activities.
We look forward to continuing to flourish in our community as we walk alongside you, our customers. Thank you for everything.
Very truly yours,
Tom “T-Bone” Martin & Bruce Kaplan
Lark Street Tattoo