9 Sep
Posted by admin, no comments
Say no to “Tattoo School” on TLC!!!
Contact the Discovery network through viewer relations and tell them you are against this show at http://corporate.discovery.com/contact/viewer-relations/ Join the “Boycott Tattoo School” community on facebook.com and help stay, and keep, others informed.
It is the position of the National Tattoo Association, Inc. that, “Tattoo School”, the latest television show about tattooing on The Learning Channel, is a detriment to the profession of tattooing and likely a danger to the general public. This show portrays tattooing as easy to leam and discusses very little about safety or disease prevention. The idea that a tattooer can learn, in two weeks, everything necessary to properly execute a taffoo in a competent and safe manner is absurd.
It is recommended that a minimum of 2 years be spent in an apprenticeship studying the art of tattooing from a professional,licensed, and reputable tattoo artist. It is also important that anyone interested in becoming a tattoo artist be trained in first-aid and CPR, and receives proper training in blood borne pathogens.
The following companies purchased advertising time from TLC and had advertisements that aired during Tattoo School. Let these companies now how you feel about supporting a Show like Tattoo School: